Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sitting in a Holiday Park in Motueka- a short drive away from Nelson way up North on the South island. It's a cute little town. Homestays were a treat. It was wonderful to be in one place for a little while as we've been moving around so much. I'm really going to miss Christchurch as it has become our home away from home. Spent last night at an Alpine lodge in St. Amaud via Lewis Pass. Nothing there but a convenience store and a lake filled with eels. We sat on the beach last night and as soon as we shone a light into the water they all swam up.
Tomorrow we'll be "slumming" it, camping at the beach in Abel Tasman and going kayaking. Time's up-, will write more when I can !


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


After driving across the country (can't do that in one day in America) from Fox Glacier to Christchurch yesterday evening, we met up with our host family for the next week or so. Me and Megan are staying with Sue and Ross Vesey and their kids who are 18 and 22. Sue owns a uniform shop and Ross works for the city council managing rivers and he also rebuilds old Brittish cars in his spare time.They have a beautiful home, with a garden full of wonderful produce. They've treated us to a delicious tea with things from the garden the past few nights. It's so nice to be in one place for a while and finally get some good rest as we've been moving locations every day or two for the past few weeks. They've got 2 rescued cats and 3 adorable dogs. Having "heaps" of fun as they say.

Started our International Affairs comparitive politics class today and will be finished within a weeks time. Lots of work to do so I gotta get to it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The last few weeks...

Can't believe I've been in this country almost 2 weeks. Loving every second, but time is flying by! We've been going going going everyday and all day, leaving me little time to catch y'all up, so I will try my best now to recap! Access to Internet has been spotty and it seems to be easier to upload my pics to my face book account than picasa at the moment.

On Jan 29th, we went to the Tamaki Heritage experience near Christchurch. The Chronicles of Uitara, a powerful story of the Maori culture and of New Zealand, was told across many generations of a single family – the warrior line of Uitara. The story was called Lost in Our Own Land. Basically it was an amazing reenactment of how the Maori people dealt with British colonization of their land. We were lead by a storyteller through over 100 years of Maori history.

Jan 30th- ( Happy Birthday Brother!)

We departed early in the morning ( as we have every morning) to go for a day hike at the Hinewai Reserve with a stop along the way at Lake Ellesmere. It was beautiful. The land manager, Hugh Wilson, talked to us about the various aspects of managing invasive species in the area- as that is the main problem with most wilderness areas here. The Europeans brought stoats, possums, rabbits and others that have changed the eco-systems and landscapes forever.

The biggest problem is the many species of land birds that have been affected, as there were no mammals ( except bats and seals)in New Zealand before the Europeans brought them. Thus, they had evolved to not have to fly away from predators and were really vulnerable to them once they were here.

On the 31st we dwepqarted Christchurch and headed out to Mt. Cook and Twizel, stopping at some canals along the way to talk about hydropower and water issues. We then headed off to Ben Ohau at Lake Tekapo. Absolutely beautiful! At Ben Ohau we talked to a high country land owner about some various legal land management practices in NZ. We also saw the land where the scene from the battle of Pellanor was filmed in return of the King.

For the next few nights we stayed in bunks at Glentanner Park. The most beautiful view and lake you could imagine. Every place we've been has been so outstanding it's really hard to describe with words.

On the 1st, we went for a hike on the Hooker Valley trail on Mt. Cook. Stopped at a glacial area fro lunch. Again, some amazing scenery. We visited the Dept of Conservation center that day as well.

Feb 2nd
We departed Glentanner and headed out to Te Anau. It's a cute little town on the way to Milford Sound. The next day, we headed to Milford sound and took a boat cruise. More amazing sights. I will be adding pics ASAP!!

Feb 4th we went to a wildlife park and stopped at lake Manapouri inroute to Queenstown. And Yesterday we hiked 20 Kilometers ( roughly 13-14 miles) up the Routeburn Trail on Mt. Aspiring, I'm hurtin a lil bit today :).

That was short and sweet, but I'm being charged by the min so I must say Adieu. Will post pics soon as I can and try and share some more details!!!
