Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm finally here!!!

Kia ora!!! That's the traditional Maori greeting here. I'm just sitting in the hotel lobby taking a break from all the running around and exploring.

After over 30 hours of being awake and in the airport and/or plane, we finally made it to Hotel So in the early evening yesterday (which was the 23rd here). This place is awesome. All the walls are white, and it's very futuristic. To use any lights you have to insert your room key ( and leave it there) into a little slot, making it very difficult to EVER accidentally leave any lights on. I had the best sleep of my life last night, after being awake for almost 2 days ( I have a really hard time sleeping sitting up on a plane.) Everyone in the group seems really awesome. There's 8 girls and 7 guys so it's a good dynamic.

While still delirious, but after a good meal and program orientation we went to the Pack n save ( pretty much a local Wal-mart where you pack your own groceries and save lots of money) for a few essential items. I have just been taking in all of the sights and little nuances of the town today. We had a scavenger hunt this morning just to orient ourselves with New Zealand customs and culture. Had to take pics with our difgital camera of things like 3 different types of kiwis, an instant kiwi which is a lottery ticket ( I didn't win:( ), and about 18 other items/sights

The buskers festival is going on right now, so there is a TON to do and see. Check it out:

We had our first lecture today on the bio-geographical history of New Zealand, pretty interesting stuff! Afterwards, went to an awesome vegetarian place for lunch called Soulfood. mmmm.... it hasn't been hard at all to find good veggie food which is a plus. Today has been a free day so I think a bunch of us are going to head down to Sumner beach before dinner. I'll post pics soon. I love this country!!

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