Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The O.C.

First of all if you're reading this and you helped make this trip happen for me, THANK YOU! It seemed impossible at first that I would even get to go, so my dreams really have come true in this regard.

I flew into the John Wayne airport on Sunday and have been spending the past few days visiting my mom's sister's family. It was long overdue as I haven't seen them since my cousin Jane's wedding 6 or 7 years ago. Since then, my cousin Mary Katherine has married and Jane had a precious baby boy (Liam) who is now 2!

The picture above is my favorite shot I took as I was flying into Cali. I'll also be posting some picture albums at: Pretty exited about using the first digital camera I've ever bought!

Trying my best to pack a 44lb bag (harder than it seems) and prepare myself for a flight that lasts an entire day. I've got every homeopathic remedy I could need, so
I'm hoping my jet lag will be pretty much non-existent. We leave at 11:30 p.m. tomorrow the 21st, and arrive in Christchurch around 1:30 p.m. on the 23rd. We'l be staying at Hotel So, which is apple inspired and really eco-friendly.

Well I'm off to enjoy my last night with the fam. The next time I write, I'll probably be in New Zealand!!